Showcasing Artists

Featured Artist:

Nik Wallenda, Niagara Falls Canada

Nik Wallenda

Nik Wallenda, (King of the high wire), made history when he became the first person to ever cross Horsehoe Falls on a high wire. Wallenda started his walk at 10 p.m from the United States side and completed it approx. 25 minutes later when he reached the Canadian side. Television viewers around the world sat on the edge of their seats as they watched the live broadcast. When Wallenda sucessfully reached the Canadian side he presented his passport to Canadian officials. For his next stunt he has stated that he will be walking a high wire across the Grand Canyon.

Horseshoe Falls

Horseshoe Falls got its name due to its appearance which resembles the curving shape of a horseshoe. The falls which are located between United States and Canada are 671 Metres High and 53 Metres Wide. Over the years many DareDevils have tried to go over the falls in barrels and many have died trying. In the past, high wire DareDevils did their stunts further down the Niagara river. No one ever had attempted to walk through the mist at Horseshoe Falls. That was until Nik Wallenda came along and became the first person to walk across Horsehoe Falls on a high wire.


Video recorded Friday June 15, 2012 at Niagara Falls, Canada.

For more information visit Nik Wallenda's official website at: Nik Wallenda

For more information on Niagara Helicopters Limited visit: Niagara Helicopters

Bird's Eye View

Niagara Falls, Canada

Historic Walk